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Exoderma Peel

Formulated as a gentle exfoliator and mask activator, Exoderma Peel is suitable for most skin types and designed to leave the skin feeling refreshed and smooth. Exoderma Peel can be used regularly as a quick refreshing at home treatment to smooth the skin and can be used even around the delectae eye area, or combine it with Foamy Lift to create a home enzyme masque similar to DMK’s signature treatment. A weekly must have.

How to use: Apply to freshly cleansed skin and leave for 10 minutes before rinsing off. Alternatively, mix 1-2 teaspoons of Foamy Lift with 1-2 teaspoons of Exoderma Peel and apply with upward strokes. Leave on for 30-40 minutes whilst keeping the head elevated.

Due to the active ingredients in this product it is only available to our Skin Members (those who have completed a skin consultation with us). Log into your membership account to purchase. Want to become a member? Book a consultation or get in touch at [email protected]